PO Box 225 | 311 Franklin Street | Delhi, Iowa 52223
Phone: 563-922-2588 call or text | Email: cityclerk@delhiia.com
Are Fireworks allowed in city limits?
Novelty fireworks (Novelties enumerated in Chapter 3 of the American
Pyrotechnics Association's Standard 87-1) are allowed at all times. Consumer and Display fireworks are allowed with restrictions or permits during specific holdays. Please see the full Fireworks code and resolutions for full information
fireworks, permit
How can I discuss an issue with Council?
Contact the city office at delhi@iowatelecom.net or call the city office with your request to get an item listed on the next meeting's agenda. Council meetings are held every 2nd Monday of the month at 5:30pm at City Hall.
council, meeting, agenda
I am new in town and need to start garbage service
Contact the City Clerk to submit a utility application to begin garbage collection, water utility
garbage, utilities, water, gas
I need to replace my Garbage Can?
Contact Kluesner Sanitation at 563-927-5977 or the City Clerk to get replacement toter. Fee may apply
Is dumpster diving allowed in Delhi?
No. Please see the Refuse Ordinance for the Anti-Scavanging clause
When are council meetings held?
Regular council meetings are held every 2nd Monday of the month at 5:30pm at City Hall. Zoom is available for viewing council meetings. Regular meetings are open to the public.
council, meeting
When do I put out my recycling toters?
Recycling is every other Monday. See the collection schedule on the garbage information page of this website
Who is responsible for sidewalk maintenance in the city?
The resident is responsible to keep the sidewalks on their property clean of snow, and debris and in good walkable condition.
sidewalks, maintenance